65,887 words
by: Bwipea
(Time Skips, Pining, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Slow Burn, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Best Friends, Aged-Up Characters, Flashbacks, Love Confessions)
I may not be able to find enough words to say about this fic but I'm so in love with this story. It's so easy to read and the way Taekook love each other is beyond imaginable. I feel every emotions and the rawness of how their friendship them falling in love with each other. It's understandable why it took them many years before they finally let themselves look deeper into their feelings for each other. They're scared for the possibility of losing their friendship and also scared of the possibility that the other won't return back the same feelings.
"You gave me our life through photographs.. I return it to you in words."

by: Bwipea
(Birthday Presents, Established Relationship, Scavenger hunts, FluffTooth-Rotting Fluff, Sexual Humor)
This was the sweetest and fluffiest I've read so far. It's the part 2 of the Pacts and Pictures fic. I may have cried because of the overwhelming emotions that this fic gave me. Taekook are so in love beyond words!!! I love this so much! Guk is the sweetest boyfriend!! I don't want this to end huhu..
"My Taehyung, the reason I am today, the boy who's been by my side through everything...I love you so much. I am so in love with you, and I always will be.."

13,950 words
by: Blue_Bamboo
(AU - College Settings, Friends with benefits, Love confessions, Pining, Jealousy 🔞)
Such a cute and adorable fic! Guk doing his best to win Tae's heart in his very own ways.. that's what you called whipped! haha! I love their characterizations and how bratty Tae is! I was giggling the whole time and omg Tae's love confession was so damn cute!

67,640 words
by: rix
(Surfer AU, Recreational Drug Use, Homophobic Language 🔞)
Ahhh this is that fic where everybody knows that you love your bestfriend or rather that fic where YES I'M DEFINITELY IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND BUT WE'RE TOO GAY FOR THAT!! This was so so good. The characters are so interesting and well developed. The progression of the story and everything was so on point. And also i love how realistically disgusting their talks and lives are. Coz of that it makes it so much more human-like.

14,915 words
by: aeterisks
(AU-Modern Setting, Major Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Discussion of Death, Mentions of Suicide)
OMFG what a great fic to start my 2021. THIS WAS A FUCKIN MASTERPIECE!!! I was a crying mess after reading this like I was so devastated. It's so tragic but so beautiful. I really love how the writer writes her fics.. they were breathtakingly beautiful. With all that is happening in the world right now, it'll make you think those what ifs. But hopefully not that kind of tragedy. Huhu! Damn this is really one of the best fics out there! I may have wish that somewhere there's another universe that Taekook were together and deeply in love with each other.
"If there is an after, I'll meet you there. Promise me you'll find me."
"I promise. I'll find you everytime."

26,004 words
by: catboytae
(AU - College/University, No Angst, Recreational Drug Use, Love Confessions🔞)
That was spicyyyyy hell and hot! WOW! This was so good like both of them are pining in a good way. The sexual tension is to the 999th level haha. For how horny Taekook were throughout this fic, they were so so sweet and cute together!!! I love how the story builds up and how they confess with each other.

7,752 words
by: itsbaekhyum
(Fluff, Crack, So much Flirting)
Ahhhh this was so cute and adorable!!! I love it! Jimin you're truly an angel haha! Taekook were just so head over heels for each other but also oblivious about the feelings of the other. HAHAHA! So freakin cute!

20,278 words
by: bloomgguk
(Fluff, Growing up together, Mild Angst)
This was so good!! Such a wonderful's like you saw them through your eyes how their friendship started to grow and became more. And then how they got their first heartbreak and how they fall back to each other's arms again. I'm so in love with it! I love how the story ends with how they started to have their own family together.

19,500 words
by: Joie__DeVivre
(Loss of Virginity, Dom/sub Undertones, Lingerie, Fluff, Mild Angst, Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Friends With Benefits, Crack🔞)
omg..didn't expect that twist! Wew that sexy time is HOT calling Tae his ANGEL is just so sweet..also I can't believe that the writer is only new to writing fics.. will be looking forward to more of their works.

7,471 words
by: Akitokitoa_chan
(AU- College/University, First Time, First KissI, Porn With Plot, Making Out, Kissing, POV Alternating, Best Friends, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, mentions of bullying🔞)
Best friends falling in love?? Secretly in love with your best friend?? YES please!! This was so spicy and soft at the same time!! The scene where they confessed to each other OMFG.. that was too cuuuttee!! I love it so much!

7,611 words
by: kalleninlove
(Trapped In Elevator, Established Relationship, Boyfriends, Boys Kissing, Making Out, Kink Discovery, First Time, Exhibitionism, Pet Names, Anniversary, Fluff 🔞)
This was fckin hot!!! Wew!! Even with only 7k words the writer were able to show us how taekook established their relationship. I even asked the writer if there's goin to be an epilogue where guk moved to tae’s place and maybe a quickie inside of tae’s apartment while the movers are busy with guk’s moving in hahaha. Naughty me I know!! But yeah that would be exciting hahaha!

3,489 words
by: mindheist
(April fool's prank, two idiots in love 🔞)
I can't with this Taekook.. haha! They are totally whipped for each other.. I can definitely see their real personalities on this one.. they really were made for each other..

11,484 words
by: buttstrife
(Recreational Drug Use, Explicit Language, Actor, Model, Implied/Referenced Character Death🔞)
I'll never get over this's one of the many fics that's literally imbedded in my brain since i started reading fics..if you've seen San Junipero Black Mirror episode you'll know why this fic hurts so much..the amount of tears I've cried with this fic.. I can't move on..A MASTERPIECE!!!
“I want you to believe that you will fall in love again, that someone will love and cherish you no matter what. I want you to love someone the same way you love me – selfishly, and without worry of consequence. I want you to be happy. Can you promise that for me?”

3,040 words
by: mindheist
(short story about falling in love)
A short and heartwarming story about two boys fell in and out of beautiful how simple yet it felt so real..i'm always moved by this writer's crafts..
“I realized something in this time.That love is a choice, a choice that two people can choose to make again and again, until it works.”

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )